Okay, I'm at work, things are slow at the moment (6:25pm), and the servers at Steve Jackson Games are down.
Hmmm, Let's make a blog entry.
Looking back on what I've written before, things have really changed. And yet, few things really have. We refinanced the house in December, paying off my Insight and consolidating a bunch of bills. We currently do not have DirecTV, and won't until we build up a bit more in savings. But that's okay, as a friend is taping the shows we like to watch on cable, and we have a makeshift antenna for local channels. We still have the internet, and our cellphones have become are main phones (another reason for not restoring DirecTV: it needs a land line to phone home).
I'll likely be writing about less "mystical" things, going into the comic strip I want to write and RPG stuff I am putting together. Not that the magical aspects of my life have gone away (the group I'm in, Clan Of The Firery Moon, is doing the ritual for a Beltania celebration in a couple weeks), it's just that no "magic-specific" things have been occurring to me to write. If something does, I won't exclude it however.
We're doing alright, moneywise, right now. Got a good refund from the IRS, now that we did the taxes this yesterday (showing the down side of procrastination: it delays getting the good stuff, too).
Let's see... Game setting...
The Realm of the Segareigh (Interdimensional Space Opera)
The Intersticia (the Spaces Between) is the realm of interdimensional space. They have an actuality and reality of their own, with vessels making their way between the universes and outposts that float in the void. The ancients of legend, the Segareigh, are said by some to have placed the worlds in perfect order. Other believe they merely created the Goldlines, which are the means to navigate and survive in the Intersticia. Although the Segareigh are long gone from the known realms, they are remembered by subject races, who hold dominion over the vast swaths of the Intersticia. The subject race that protects the local "Set" of worlds (a Set numbers over 10^18 worlds, and there are more than 3 times 10^23 Sets) are called the Tirene.
The Tirene measure their lives in millenia the way humans would measure their lives in months. Although they specify that they are mortal, they are often treated with deference even by those dieties who take a direct hand in the affairs of their worshippers. They seem to be soft-spoken and benevolent, but there's always a feeling of uneasiness when one deals with them as if, for all the sweetness they project, crossing them would be a mistake of apocalyptic proportions.
The Tirene Set has other subdivisions, mainly based on dominant species (although there is a lot of bleed-over/mixing), or on groups that have formed political coalitions. (In forming these subdivisions, the Tirene don't count. They are there to protect the integrity of the Goldlines, and to keep skirmishes from getting too out-of-hand.) There are thousands of possible races that players can choose from, from the standard fantasy races (elf, dwarf, orc, etc.) through sci-fi types (Klingon, Kzin, Grey) to odder types (spiritforms, djinn, shapeshifters).
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